Low Water Conditions in Boilers

Boilers have been in use for many years and are used for an endless amount of applications in modern day society. Some things that we use boilers for in modern society include: Hot water heaters in our households, comfort heating, producing steam for electricity generation, and countless other uses. Boilers are so commonly used in modern society that the dangers of these machines are often overlooked. Overlooking the dangers of Steam Boilers can lead to Catastrophic and Deadly effects!!!

Every year in the United States, approximately 10 people lose their lives in Steam Boiler accidents. Investigations into these accidents reveal that the leading cause of deadly Boiler accidents is Low-Water Conditions. These Low-Water Conditions can have many contributing factors including: Human Error, Improper Installation, Poor Maintenance, and lack of Knowledge. A common attribute to all of these contributing factors could be a lack of training.

Maintaining a safe water level in Boilers is vital to the structural integrity of the unit. While the burner is firing the water in the Boiler absorbs the heat of combustion and protects the machine’s structural components from overheating. When a Boiler exhibits a Low-Water condition and the burner of the unit continues to fire, the heat of combustion is then absorbed by the Boiler itself.  As the Boilers parts overheat, they begin to lose their structural integrity to the point that the Boiler can no longer contain the pressure being generated by steaming. What happens next is known as a Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion or BLEVE. This BLEVE can have Catastrophic and Deadly effects!!!


Our modern Boilers that we work with on a Daily basis contain numerous safety devices designed to keep water in these Boilers to prevent explosions caused by Low-Water Conditions. Through Proper Maintenance and Testing of these Safeties one should be able to ensure that a Low-Water Explosion NEVER occurs!!! Being able to understand the symptoms of Low-Water conditions, how to properly test and maintain these safeties, and knowing what to do in the event of Low-Water Conditions is the best defense to prevent these possibly DEADLY Conditions. Through Proper Training of Boiler Operators GCAP believes these accidents can be Prevented!!!

For more information on Boiler Operator training please contact GCAP at 620-271-0037 or email us at ammonia@pld.com. Onsite training solutions are available through GCAP’s Hands-On Boiler Training Division.